Selected freelance editing projects:
business, professional and academic
Abelson & Joyeux, Economic Forecasting (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2000)
Adam & Westberg, Marketing on the Internet (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Anandarajah et al., Managing Finance (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2001)
Andre, Portfolios for Health Professionals (Elsevier, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2016)
Arabian Advanced Systems/Naseej (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Cairo, Egypt): miscellaneous materials
Archer & Abdel Karim, Islamic Finance: The Regulatory Challenge (John Wiley, Singapore, 2007)
Archer et al., Takaful Islamic Insurance (John Wiley, Singapore, 2009)
Arens et al., Auditing, Assurance Services & Ethics in Australia (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 8th ed., 2009)
Arens et al., Auditing in Australia (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1996)
Armstrong, Principles of Marketing (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 6th ed., 2014)
Arnott, The Disability Support Worker (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Aseervatham, Accounting Essentials for Business (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
Asia Pacific Law Review, Volume 3, Numbers 1 and 2 (1994)
Asia Week, An Investor’s Guide to Asia’s Top 1000 Blue-chip Companies (John Wiley, Singapore, 1998)
Askari et al., Risk Sharing in Finance (John Wiley, Singapore, 2011)
Aulich et al., Australian Handbook of Public Sector Management (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2001)
Australian Business and Investment Guide (Longman, Sydney, 1986)
Backman, Asian Eclipse (John Wiley, Singapore, 1999)
Bacon, Legal Practice Manual: Conveyancing (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Baker et al., Marketing: Managerial Foundations (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1998)
Baladi, The Brutal Truth about Asian Branding (John Wiley, Singapore, 2010)
Bamford & Scott, The Leading Edge: VCE Units 3 & 4 Accounting (Harcourt Education, Melbourne, 2007)
Barros, The Nature of Trends (John Wiley, Singapore, 2008)
Beder, The New Engineer (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1998)
Bell & Staines, Logical Psych (UNSW Press, Sydney, 2001)
Bentick, Macroeconomics Study Guide (Addison-Wesley, Sydney, 1996, 1999, 2003 and 2007 eds)
Berk et al., Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Pearson Education Australia/Pearson Group Australia, Sydney, 2010 and 2017 eds)
Best, Auditing in Australia (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
Birt, Recordkeeping & Financial Control in Your Small Business (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Birt, Legal Aspects of Your Small Business (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2002)
Birt, Writing Your Plan for Small Business Success (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2004)
Blackman, China Business: The Rules of the Game (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2000)
Blanchard & Sheen, Macroeconomics (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2007)
Booker, Teaching Primary Maths (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2013 and 2020 eds)
Booth, Warring Tribes: The Story of Power Development in Australia (Bardak Group, Doonan, Qld, 2003)
Boulton & Turner, Entrepreneurship (John Wiley, Singapore, 2005)
Bowers & Vinton, Office Tax Procedures (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1994)
Brady, Curriculum Development (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
Brady & Kennedy, Celebrating Student Achievement: Assessment and Reporting (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009)
Brahm, The Anti-Globalization Breakfast Club: Manifesto for a Peaceful Revolution (John Wiley, Singapore, 2009)
Brown & Edwards, Lewis’s Medical–Surgical Nursing (Elsevier, Sydney, 4th ed., 2014)
Brown & Hepner, The Waiter’s Handbook (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2008)
Browne et al., Cases in Strategic Management (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1998)
Bruce, Human Resource Management Casebook (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2003)
Bryant et al., Pharmacology for Health Professionals (Elsevier, Sydney, 5th ed., 2019)

Butler & Keary, Managers & Mantras: One Company’s Struggle for Simplicity (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
Capital Guide to Starting a Hedge Fund — a European Perspective (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 1999)
Capital Guide to Marketing Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds in Asia (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 1999–2000)
Capital Guide to Alternative Investment (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 2000)
Capital Guide to Starting a Hedge Fund — a US Perspective (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 2001)
Capital Guide to Hedge Funds 2003 (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 2003)
Campbell & Ryles, Teaching English Grammar (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2013)
Carl et al., Think Sociology (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Carlopio & Andrewartha, Developing Management Skills (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 5th ed., 2012)
Carroll, Skills for Academic and Career Success (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2013)
Cartwright et al., The Leading Edge HSC Legal Studies Study Guide (Pearson Education Australia, Melbourne, 2007)
Carver, Hong Kong Business Law (Longman, Hong Kong, 1991)
Cavusgil, International Business (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Champagne, Sensory Modulation & Environment (Clinical and Talent Assessment, Sydney, 2010)
Chang & Daly, Transitions in Nursing (Elsevier, Sydney, 4th ed., 2015)
Cheng & Mohamed, The World That Changes the World (John Wiley, Singapore, 2010)
Cheng et al., The Hong Kong Company Secretary’s Handbook (Longman, Hong Kong, 1990)
Chitty et al., Integrated Marketing Communications (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2005)
Citibank, The Citibank Guide to Building Personal Wealth (John Wiley, Singapore, 2005)
Clarke et al., Corporate Collapse: Regulatory, Accounting and Ethical Failure (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1997)
Cohen, Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China (Longman, Hong Kong, 1988)
Cohen, Leadership Without Borders (John Wiley, Singapore, 2007)
Cole, Business Administration and Supervision (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2004)
Collier et al., Introducing Economics: Book 3 (Jacaranda Wiley, Brisbane, 1995)
Collis, Yes You Can (HarperCollins, Sydney, 1993)
Collis, Work Smarter Not Harder (HarperBusiness, Sydney, 1995)
Collis, The Great Sales Book (HarperBusiness, Sydney, 1996)
Corones & Clarke, Consumer Protection and Product Liability Law (LBC Information Services, Sydney, 1997)
Costin, Construction Skills (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2012)
Cowie et al., Reading between the Lines (Addison-Wesley, Sydney, various issues)
Creaser & Dau, The Anti-bias Approach in Early Childhood (HarperEducational, Sydney, 1996)
Creative Communities International: miscellaneous materials
Criddle & Kania, Accounting and Finance(Cengage Learning, Melbourne, 2017)
Crompton et al., Macroeconomics (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2002)
Davies & Roberts, Political Dictionary for Hong Kong (Macmillan, Hong Kong, 1990)
De Lange et al., Company Accounting & Financial Statements (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 1998 and 2005 eds)
Delios & Singh, Strategy for Success in Asia (John Wiley, Singapore, 2005)
Dessler, Griffiths & Lloyd-Walker, Human Resource Management (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2007)
Dobbs-Higginson, Asia Pacific: A View on its Role in the New World Order (Longman, Hong Kong, 1993)
Dowling, International Business (McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 2008)
Duncan, The Dollar Crisis (John Wiley, Singapore, 2003)
Dwyer, Communication for Business and the Professions (Pearson Australia Group, Sydney, 2015 and 2019 eds)
Eagar et al., Health Planning: Australian Perspectives (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2001)
Educational Development Unit, Hong Kong Polytechnic University: various course units
Eliasoph, Law & Business Practice in Shanghai (Longman, Hong Kong, 1987)
Encountering Social Theory (Department of Applied Social Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1994)
e-Safety Commissioner: miscellaneous materials
English, Australian Stockmarket Investor (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2000)
English, The New Australian Stockmarket Investor (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2002)
English et al., Personal Financial Management (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999)
Ernst & Young, Taxation in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 eds)
Faber, The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report (monthly newsletter) (Marc Faber Overseas Ltd, Hong Kong)
Faber, The Great Money Illusion (Longman, Hong Kong, 1988)
Fayle & Gilders, Principles of Income Tax for Accountants (HarperEducational, Sydney, 1996)
Fell, Crisis and Change: The Maturing of Hong Kong’s Financial Markets (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)

Fernandez & Underwood, China CEO (John Wiley, Singapore, 2006)
Fernandez & Underwood, China Entrepreneur (John Wiley, Singapore, 2008)
Fitz-Roy, Practical Exhibiting in Australia (Business & Professional Publishing, Sydney, 1997)
Freegard et al., Ethical Practice for Health Professionals (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2006)
Frino & Jarnecic, Introduction to Futures and Options Markets in Australia (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2005)
Frino et al., Introduction to Corporate Finance (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2006)
Funk, The Mobile Internet (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 2001)
Gaffikin et al., Corporate Accounting in Australia (UNSW Press, Sydney, 1998)
Gallo, Business Leadership in China (John Wiley, Singapore, 2010)
Garnaut et al., China’s Ownership Transformation: Process, Outcomes, Prospects (International Finance Corporation, Australian National University, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, 2005)
Germov, Get Great Marks for Your Essays (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2000)
Germov & Williams, Get Great Information Fast (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999)
Gibson & Fraser, Business Law (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 5th ed., 2010)
Gitman, Principles of Managerial Finance (HarperEducational, Sydney, 1995)
Gitman et al., Principles of Managerial Finance (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2002)
Gitman et al., Fundamentals of Investing (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2001 and 2004 eds)
Good, The Digital Armageddon (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Goossen, Business Law and Practice in the PRC (Longman, Hong Kong, 1987)
Gough, Trading the World’s Markets (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
Gough, Investing in Internet Stocks: The Global Gold Rush of the New Economy (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
Greenland et al., Communication Cases (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Greig et al., Accounting Concepts and Applications (Macmillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 4th ed., 2008)
Griffiths, 101 Survival Tips for Your Business (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2002)
Griffiths, 101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2002)
Grist, 500 Award-winning Small Business Secrets (Simon & Schuster, Sydney, 2001)
Halstead, Patents and Trademarks in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1989)
Hanson et al., Strategic Management (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2002 and 2004 eds)
Hartel, Human Resource Management (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2010)
Hawryszkiewycz, Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 3rd ed., 1994)
Hayes, Legal Practice Manual: Landlord and Tenant (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Heinecke, The Entrepreneur: 21 Golden Rules for the Global Business Manager (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
Henderson, Issues in Financial Accounting (Pearson Group Australia, Sydney, 2013 and 2017 eds)
Hill et al., Global Business Today (McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 2010)
Hinchy & McDermott, Company Law (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009)
Hiscock, India’s Global Wealth Club (John Wiley, Singapore, 2007)
Hoffmann, Evidence-Based Practice across the Health Professions (Elsevier, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2017)
Hong Kong Law Journal, Volumes 17–23 (1987–1993)
Hong Kong Law Journal Consolidated Index, Volumes 1–23
Hong Kong Staff Employment Manual (Shomei Limited, Hong Kong, 1990)

Holmes, Australian Sociology (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2011)
Horngren et al., Accounting (Prentice Hall/Pearson Group Australia, Sydney, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2015 eds)
Horngren et al., Cost Accounting in Australia (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1996)
Horngren et al., Financial Accounting (Pearson Education Australia/Pearson Group Australia, Sydney, 2001, 2004 and 2015 eds)
Hui et al., Corporate Accounting: Business Combinations in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Hunt & Terry, Financial Institutions and Markets (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2002 and 2004 eds)
Indochina Land, Vietnam: miscellaneous materials
Iqbal, Risk Sharing in Islamic Finance (John Wiley, Singapore, 2011)
Islamic Development Bank, Resolutions and Recommendations of the Islamic Development Bank Group Shari’ah Committee
(IDB, 2015–16)
Islamic Financial Services Board, Malaysia: miscellaneous materials
Jenkins, An Introduction to Direct Marketing (Longman, Melbourne, 1994)
Jubb et al., Company Accounting (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 1999 and 2005 eds)
Juchau et al., Accounting: Information for Decisions (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2004)
Khan, Underdogs in Overdrive: 10 Insanely Great Ideas for the Asian Technopreneur (John Wiley, Singapore, 2001)
Knapp & Watkins, Context — Text — Grammar (Text Productions, Sydney, 1994)
Koo, Balance Sheet Recession: Japan’s Struggle with Uncharted Economics and its Global Implications (John Wiley, Singapore, 2003)
Kotler & Kartajaya, Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
Kotler et al., Marketing (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2010 and 2012 eds)
Kotler et al., Principles of Marketing (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009 and 2011 eds)
Kroenke, Management Information Systems (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2013)
Lancaster & Jobber, Selling and Sales Management in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1993)
Laws, Site Establishment (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2012)
Lawton, Meetings in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1993)
Lee & Bishop, Microbiology (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 5th ed., 2012)
Leeming, The Super Analysts (John Wiley, Singapore, 2000)
LeMone, Medical–Surgical Nursing (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2010)
Letta, The Emerging Markets of Southeast Asia (John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1996)
Leung, A Guide to Public Flotation in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1990) Li & Fung World
Little & Reed, The Tyranny of Fortune: Australia’s Asian Destiny (Business & Professional Publishing, Sydney, 1997)
Lloyd George, A Guide to Asian Stock Markets (Longman, Hong Kong, 1989 and 1991 eds)
McColl-Kennedy & Kiel, Marketing: A Strategic Approach (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 1999)
McDevitt, Child Development & Education (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2012)
McDonald, Macroeconomics (Jacaranda Wiley, Brisbane, 2nd ed., 1995)
McDonald, Pressing Questions: Explorations in Sociology (Addison-Wesley, Sydney, 1997)
McInerney & McInerney, Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2006, 2009 and 2013 eds)
McKee, Management: A Focus on Leaders (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2013)
McRae et al., Indigenous Legal Issues (LBC Information Services, Sydney, 1997)

McTaggart et al., Economics (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2010 eds)
Makin et al., One Childhood Many Languages (Harper Educational, Sydney, 1994)
Malcolm, Makeham & Wright, The Farming Game (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2005)
Malhotra et al., Marketing Research in Australia (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
Mar & Richter, China: Enabling a New Era of Changes (John Wiley, Singapore, 2003)
Marsh, Teaching Studies of Society and Environment (Pearson Education, Sydney, 4th ed., 2005)
Matheou, Legal Practice Manual: Civil Litigation 2 (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Mattock, Partners in Law (Shomei Limited, Hong Kong, 1990)
Meikle, Win Now Win Later (HarperCollins, Sydney, 1999)
Mills et al., Foundations of Accounting (UNSW Press, Sydney, 9th ed., 1996)
Murtagh, Practice Tips (McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 2nd ed., 1995)
Nader, The Prentice Hall Illustrated Dictionary of Computing (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995 and 1998 eds)
Nankervis et al., Managing Services (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2005)
Natural Resource Hunter
Newman, Creative Leaps: 10 Lessons in Effective Advertising Inspired at Saatchi & Saatchi (John Wiley, Singapore, 2003)
Newman & Pollnitz, Working with Children and Families (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2005)
Newton et al., Human Perspectives, Units 1 & 2 (Cengage, Melbourne, 2020)
Newton et al., Human Perspectives, Units 3 & 4 (Cengage, Melbourne, 2021)
Nixon, Negotiation (John Wiley, Singapore, 2005)
Norman, Professional Electronic Trading (John Wiley, Singapore, 2002)
Offshore E-Commerce: A Comparative Jurisdiction Guide (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 2001)
Oil & Energy Investment Report
O’Neill et al., Business Management (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 1997)
Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong: miscellaneous distance learning materials
Ordish & Adcock, China Intellectual Property Challenges and Solutions (John Wiley, Singapore, 2008)
O’Shannessy & Minett, The Road to Hospitality (Pearson Education, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2003)
Pelling, Cisco Net Impact: Competitive Advantage from Internet Innovators in Asia Pacific and Japan (John Wiley, Singapore, 2005)
Pendleton & Vickery, Australian Business Law (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
Phillips & Yeh, New Towns in East and South-east Asia (Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1987)
Pink Rottweiler Copywriting, Brisbane: miscellaneous materials
Polenske & Chen, Chinese Economic Planning and Input–Output Analysis (Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1991) miscellaneous materials
Reid-Searl et al., Midwifery (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2012)
Reid-Searl et al., Nursing Student’s Clinical Survival Guide (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 3rd ed., 2013)
Reynolds et al., Your Own Business (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2000)
Richardson et al., Computing for Business Success (Pearson Education Australia, 2005)
Rifaat et al., Takaful Islamic Insurance (John Wiley, Singapore, 2009)
Rist & Terwilliger, Object-Oriented Programming in Eiffel (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1994)
Robbins et al., Essentials of Management (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 4th ed., 2018)
Robbins et al., Foundations of Management (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009)
Robbins et al., Management (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2017 eds)
Robbins et al., Management: The Essentials (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 4th ed., 2018)
Robbins et al., Organisational Behaviour (Prentice Hall/Pearson Group Australia, Sydney, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2016 eds)
Robertson, Simple Program Design (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 4th ed., 2003)
Robinson et al., Independent Contracting (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2000)
Rodgers, Company Accounting and Financial Statements (Nelson ITP, Melbourne, 1998)
Sarawak Energy Berhad, Malaysia: miscellaneous materials
Sculley & Woods, B2B Exchanges (ISI Publications, Bermuda, 1999)
Selvanathan & Selvanathan, Australian Business Statistics (Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2000 and 2004 eds)
Sheridan, Emerging Economic Systems in Asia (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1998)
Sherrin, Legal Practice Manual: Probate (Longman, Hong Kong, 1994)
Sherrington, Legal Practice Manual: Civil Litigation 1 (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Shum, General Principles of Hong Kong Law (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Silk, Taiwan Trade and Investment Law (Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1994)
Sims & Heazlewood, Reporting the Bottom Line: Financial Accounting (Addison-Wesley Longman, Melbourne, 1998)
Singleton et al., Australian Political Institutions (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2006 and 2012 eds)
Sinha, China’s Creative Imperative: How Creativity is Transforming Society and Business in China (John Wiley, Singapore, 2008)
Smith, More for Less (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Smith & Urbas, Technology Law (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2021)
Solomon et al., Marketing (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2008, 2010 and 2013 eds)
Stanley & Ryan, Accounting: An Introductory Framework, Units 1 & 2 (Cengage, Melbourne, 2017)
Stanley & Ryan, Accounting: An Introductory Framework, Units 3 & 4 Digital Materials (Cengage, Melbourne, 2019)
State Statistical Bureau of the People’s Republic of China, China Urban Statistics 1986 (Longman, Hong Kong, 1987)
Stephenson, The Bulletproof Executive (HarperCollins, Sydney, 1997)
Stewart, Public Policy (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1999)
Stocks, Securities Legislation in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1988)
Stott, Hong Kong Company Law (Longman, Hong Kong, 4th ed., 1992)
Stott, Introduction to Hong Kong Business Law (Longman, Hong Kong, 1994)
Summers et al., Essentials of Marketing (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2003)
Sun (ed.), The Economic Geography of China (Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1988)
Swan & McEachern, Microeconomics (Nelson Thomson Learning, Melbourne, 2001 and 2007 eds)
Swinburne, Start Smart (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Symington, At Your Fingertips: The Nail Technician’s Companion (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Tan & Chew, Affordable Health Care (Prentice Hall, Singapore, 1997)
Tang & Whiteley, Management Case Studies in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1991)
Tashjian & Cooray, Regulatory Framework of Finance and Banking (Longman, Hong Kong, 1993)
Taylor et al., Advanced Financial Accounting in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
Teicher et al., Employee Relations Management (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2006)
Temple, Magic Numbers: The 33 Key Ratios that Every Investor Should Know (John Wiley, Singapore, 2002)
Temporal, Advanced Brand Management: From Vision to Valuation (John Wiley, Singapore, 2002 and 2009 eds)
Temporal, Asia’s Star Brands (John Wiley, Singapore, 2006)
Temporal, The Branding of MTV (John Wiley, Singapore, 2008)
Temporal, Islamic Branding and Marketing (John Wiley, Singapore, 2011)
Temporal & Lee, Hi-tech Hi-touch Branding: Creating Brand Power in the Age of Technology (John Wiley, Singapore, 2001)

Temporal & Trott, Romancing the Customer (John Wiley, Singapore, 2001)
Terry & Brodsky, Establishing a Company in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1989)
Thampapillai et al., Australian Commercial Law (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2nd ed., 2020)
Tharenou, Donohue & Cooper, Management Research Methods (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2007)
Tier, The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros (Inverse Books, Hong Kong, 2004)
Titman, Financial Management (Pearson Australia Group, Sydney, 7th ed., 2015)
Tokley, Legal Practice Manual: Finance (Longman, Hong Kong, 1994)
Tokley, Legal Practice Manual: Securities (Longman, Hong Kong, 1994)
Tompkins, Literacy for the 21st Century (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2nd ed., 2014)
Tow, Australian–American Relations: Looking Toward the Next Century (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1998)
Towers Watson: miscellaneous reports and marketing materials
Trenerry, Principles of Internal Control (UNSW Press, Sydney, 1999)
Trusts in Action (Blackstone Press, Sydney, 1995)
Unicomb & Bell, Residential, Home and Community Aged Care (Elsevier, Sydney, 2016)
Valentine & Ford, Readings in Financial Institution Management (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999)
Vaughan & Hogg, Introduction to Social Psychology (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1995)
VCE Accounting Year 11, Units 1 & 2 (Macmillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 2018)
VCE Accounting, Year 12, Units 3 & 4 (Macmillan Education Australia, Melbourne, 2018 and 2020 eds)
Vittachi, Doctor Doom: Riding the Millennial Storm (John Wiley, Singapore, 1998)
Walter & Howie, Privatizing China: The Stock Markets and Their Role in Corporate Reform (John Wiley, Singapore, 2003)
Waters, A Critical Guide to Working in the Financial Services Industry (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 4th ed., 2013)
Waud, Economics (HarperEducational, Sydney, 3rd ed., 1996)
Waxman, Business Mathematics and Statistics (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Weaven, Dilemmas of Practice (Pearson Australia, Sydney, 2011)
Wenning, Basic Plumbing Services: Sanitary/Drainage (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2010)
Wesley-Smith, Constitutional and Administrative Law in Hong Kong (Longman, Hong Kong, 1993)
Westland, Valuing Technology: The New Science of Wealth in the Knowledge Economy (John Wiley, Singapore, 2002)
Westwood, Organisational Behaviour (Longman, Hong Kong, 1992)
White, Developmental Psychology (Pearson Australia Group, Sydney, 4th ed., 2015)
Wong & Leung, The Power of Ren: China’s Coaching Phenomenon (John Wiley, Singapore, 2007)
Wooding, Macroeconomics: A New Zealand Introduction (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 2nd ed., 1997)
Yeung (ed.), Hong Kong China: The Red Dawn (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1998)
Zengage & Ratcliffe, The Japanese Century: Challenge and Response (Longman, Hong Kong, 1988)